Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Food and Medicine

After making our way back to Ibanda, we split up into teams to shop for the Ibanda Babies Home. One team handled much of the food, including a 270 lb pound bag of beans and boxes of medicine. We blew through a million Ugandan dollars just in food inside of 30 minutes! The medicine team spent more a couple of million in medicine. Thanks to all who made this possible! The nuns were ecstatic, blessed us, and asked Pastor Dan to say a word of prayer. One of the nuns gave a very formal and heartfelt thank you to the team. We will be able to add to the supplies from the dedicated resources again tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be doing our last VBS in Kemihoko tomorrow and then will meet with the pastors and lay leaders of Southwestern Uganda. We will also distribute the clothes to the leaders to share with the villages.

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