Monday, April 28, 2014

We Have Arrived!

Our team has been in Uganda for a few days. After lots of time in airports and buses we have arrived. Our team is excited to be here and are grateful for your help in getting us here. Sunday, April 27th we had an opportunity to worship at Bethleham Lutheran Church in Kozo. The worship service was several hours with several baptisms and a few confirmations. After the worship service and dedication we shared a feast with the community. Monday, April 28th Pastor Dan lead 18 Pastors, board members, and other church leaders in Bible studies about what it means to confess Jesus Christ in our homes. Gayle, Kathy, and Johanna helped a few women from the church cook the afternoon meal. Tomorrow the ladies will be making chicken noddle soup to share with the conference. Later in the week we will be going to the Ibanda Babies home to build a playground, do some painting in the orphanage, and help the nuns with the children.


  1. Hello

    Love hearing about what is happening. The pictures are great!! What a pretty church!! So excited for you guys and the work you are doing!! You all are in my prayers!

  2. How wonderful to share Christ with people around the world! May God continue to keep you and bless the work you are doing for Immanuel our God and Immanuel our church!

  3. Keep the updates and posts coming! It looks like a beautiful place with beautiful children.

  4. Stay Safe And Come Back Safely
